Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Hungry People Can't Lead

Before a person can Lead Without Title and shine at work/life, they need food in their belly. For so many of us, this just isn't an issue. But for far too many, it is. Last night over a billion people went to sleep hungry. That just isn't acceptable in our world.

You've probably read that rice prices are soaring. This affects the organizations delivering food aid to nations in need, in a profound way. "The UN has issued an urgent plea for food aid...the agency's World Food Program, which dispenses food to developing countries, said it needs an additional $755 million US just to meet its annual target. The sudden rise in the prices for corn, wheat, rice and soybeans has sparked violent protests in Haiti, Africa and parts of Asia." (Source: The Globe and Mail, Saturday April 26).

So what will you do about this? Please don't tell me you don't have the power to make things better. You do. One person can influence so many. One person really can have a massive impact. One person really can change the world. And the world needs your help. It's not about your title. It's about your willingness to make a difference. And stand up.

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